Several years ago we began participating in recreating the Mountainman Rendezvous throughout the Western United States.  As an artist, I became enamored with the diversity and beauty of the countryside.  I started to develop my own style of art in various venues including hide painting, beadwork, leather work, wood carving, spear, bow and arrow making.  The internet is allowing me to share some of my work with others throughout the world.  We hope you enjoy the site as much as we do.


How to Order

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My Original Works of Art



Original Painted Deer Hide & Cow Skull
Hide Stretched with Rawhide on Willow Frame - 48" x 55"
Hide - $450
Skull - $250
$600 for the Set



Original Painted Sheepskin & Cow Skull
Hide Stretched with Rawhide on Willow Frame - 38" x 54"
Hide - $450
Skull - $250
$600 for the Set


Original Painted Rabbit Hide
Stretched on Willow Frame - 25" x 29"


Sheepskin Story of Mountain Man Rendezvous
(handwritten message on hide is in box below)


Mountain Man Rendezvous

The Mountain men were the first foreigners to truly explore the west.
They began trapping the beaver in the highlands of the Rockies for trade in the early 1800's.
When summer came, the mountain men took their furs to "Rendezvous", meaning to meet by appointment. 
The trappers gathered to meet agents of the fur companies who came from St. Louis in boats and over land bringing gun powder, lead, traps, and other supplies.  Rendezvous lasted for several weeks.  Indians came to share business and pleasure.  Beaver skins were used as money, camp fires burned day and night.  There was constant activity in camp, including all types of games and contests. When summer was coming to an end, mountain men and indians returned to the mountains to trap and live until the next rendezvous. 
Today we recreate this early period of our history to continue the tradition of a basic lifestyle,
living primitively in a simple, friendly atmosphere.

  (c)Carolyn Piper, 1992



Movie Prop Brown Bear Hide
Long Term Rental Available
Email for Details


Handmade Hickory Bow, Obsidian Point Arrows & Bobcat Quiver


Buffalo Skull



Klamath Indian Basket
ca. 1880-1890, Fragile, Needs Repair
As Is - $150


Handmade, Primitive Buck Saw
18" x  22"


Handmade, Primitive Buck Saw
17" x  23"


Handmade Spears - About 8' Long
$135 each


Pair of Victor Beaver Traps


Buffalo, Leather & Beaded Hand Carved Handle


Stetson Western Hat
Silver & Glass Bead Hat Band


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(c) 2010 Mountainmanstuff